Swissrail Mobility Day 22. Mai 2025
Treffen Sie uns auf der Branchenveranstaltung für Fachpersonen aus der Bahn- und Mobilitätsbranche in Zürich.
It doesn't have to be expensive and time-consuming to work out the advantages of a vehicle modernisation and integrate existing hardware. If the existing hardware is still intact, a new background system for passenger information is an inexpensive option compared to a complete replacement. And passengers benefit from the best possible travelling experience.
By Thomas Auner
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Source: Nahverkehrs-praxis 9/10-2022, www.nahverkehrspraxis.de/
Treffen Sie uns auf der Branchenveranstaltung für Fachpersonen aus der Bahn- und Mobilitätsbranche in Zürich.
As part of a refit, the passenger information system in five other vehicles on the RHB and AG lines was converted to DiLoc®| OnBoard.
With every driving or braking command, train drivers help decide whether the climate is saved or not - a (too) great responsibility!?