A breath of fresh air for the future: new name, new design, new website.
As of October 1, 2024, our new name is a clear sign of our further growth and orientation towards the future.
For the first time, the dynamic timetable enables train drivers to combine all operationally relevant timetable documents in one display using DiLoc®| Sync document management system. EBuLa data and daily schedules, as well as timetable instructions and digital substitute timetable booklets, are automatically integrated and updated daily and do not have to be tediously collected. Simply enter the train number once in order to load all required data onto the end device. Thanks to the tablet app, it can also be used on vehicles without additional on-board equipment. The GNSS-supported positioning function also provides automatic forwarding of the timetable during the journey. The flexible architecture of the system is designed so that additional electronic timetable data, such as that of ÖBB, can be integrated in the future.
As a first, we are offering a device for electronic acoustic systems that unites communication between the driver's cab and passenger compartment in a single device. It combines the versatility of the decentralized installation position with the central accessibility of the interfaces. Benefits of this system include a smaller space requirement and a cost-effective approach by reducing the total number of devices.
Due to the modular device structure, a customized configuration with short delivery times is possible in order to be able to react more quickly to customer requirements. Furthermore, this structure not only simplifies repairs and maintenance, but also enables complete disassembly for maximum reparability. A clear focus on sustainable design ensures that the appliances are functional, durable and manufactured in an environmentally friendly manner in accordance with latest EU directives.
As of October 1, 2024, our new name is a clear sign of our further growth and orientation towards the future.
Im kommenden Jahr startet wieder eine neue Reihe des DiLoc|OnlineForums mit 6 Terminen, in denen es sich rund um Ihre Herausforderungen und unsere aktuellen innovativen Lösungen für den Bahnbetrieb dreht.
Ab sofort kann auch die gefahrene Lok-Baureihe direkt protokolliert werden und ergänzt die bereits bestehenden Funktionen der Strecken- und Ortskenntnisaufzeichnung.