A breath of fresh air for the future: new name, new design, new website.
As of October 1, 2024, our new name is a clear sign of our further growth and orientation towards the future.
An intelligent traffic light system is being used to optimize the flow of traffic in St. Gallen. In order to utilize the advantages of traffic signal control, the rail vehicles operating in the city will be equipped with appropriate communication devices and antennas to communicate with the traffic signal systems.
As previous studies have shown that the existing GPS positioning of the vehicles is not sufficiently accurate for the increased requirements of traffic light technology, cn-mobility will also be improving the positioning accuracy of the vehicles.
We look forward to supporting Appenzeller Bahnen in improving the punctuality of the vehicles and thus further increasing passenger comfort and satisfaction.
As of October 1, 2024, our new name is a clear sign of our further growth and orientation towards the future.
Im kommenden Jahr startet wieder eine neue Reihe des DiLoc|OnlineForums mit 6 Terminen, in denen es sich rund um Ihre Herausforderungen und unsere aktuellen innovativen Lösungen für den Bahnbetrieb dreht.
Ab sofort kann auch die gefahrene Lok-Baureihe direkt protokolliert werden und ergänzt die bereits bestehenden Funktionen der Strecken- und Ortskenntnisaufzeichnung.